Monday, February 7, 2011

Entrepreneurial Seminar Notes

  • The basics of entrepraneurship: sense of mission, customer/product vision, high speed inovation and self inspired behaviour.
  • The inclination of my life has been to do things and make things which will give pleasure to people in new ways by doing that i please and satisfy myself.
  • Walt Disney.
  • Steve Jobs from apple computers said the mangers knew how to manage, but they couldn't do anything.
  • Sense of mission: leaving footprints in the sand...
  • be excited and love your business! this is very important.
  • Fall in love with your business-George Tidball the founder of Keg Restaurants.
  • " We as a nation need to create more entrepreneurs- "Rod Ross"
  • Sense of mission: creating high purposes and high standards.
  • Our durt as industrialists is to produce goods for the public and to enrich and make happier all those who use them."- Konosuke Matsushita
  • Any good business plan requires these things:
  • What do I like to do?
  • What am I good at doing?
  • What does the market need?
  • what competitive posistion would i have?
  • what capabilities and cash must I have?
  • Its a matter of survival
  • Its not a project
  • Focus on customers.
  • Focus on products
  • The criteria that count.
  • Picking a market/product winners:
  • High competitive posistion with a low market need.
  • High competitive posistion high market need.
  • Low competitive posistion low market need.
  • Low competitive posistion high market need.
  • What went wrong?:
  • 33% of the excellent companies are no longer in business.(62-84)
  • 84% of the 100 biggest companies are no longer in business. (1900-2000)
  • 70% of the fortune 500 are gone. (1955-2006)
  • Bigger is not better.
  • They started out entrepreneurial and became managerial.
  • every business starts as entrepreneurial.
  • Life Cycle of Organization
  • Start up in business=strong
  • high growth=strong
  • once the decline starts it becomes managerial.
  • and once the struggle for survival starts, it is also managerial.
  • " The seven deadly sins."
-"Everything that can be invented, has been invented."-Charles Duell Director US patent officer-1899
  1.  Im okay-your okay.
-This produce terminal inaction.
-We are not okay... we are never okay!
-Crisis...and a sense of urgency are necessary for organizations to grow.
-Lets be excellent... Carpe Diem.

    2. One best way
-Silence workers forever.
-Kills innovation.

    3.Out of touch with competitors and customers.
-Your next great idea comes from competitors and customers.

    4.Centralize Everything
-This is all about controlling things... is bigger actually better?
-When in doubt-decentralize.
-Branson; When he sold Virgin Records... it was made up of 50 different record companies with no more then 60 employees in each.

    5.Lab in the woods.(scientists take over)
-Idea of having an innovation team in the woods away from the hustle bustle businesses in order to create room for creativity.
-Best ideas come from the factory floor, lunch brainstorming with salesman and face to face meetings with unhappy customers.

    6. Marketing or Salesman takes over.
-Opposite then the Lab in the woods.
-Not product specialist... you need both a scientist(product specialist) and a sales man(customer specialist) working together.

    7. Senior Management Disconnected
- MBA syndrome... sit in corner office and make decisions... disconnect from factory floor and customers.
-Sears was the worlds largests retailer. Then it built the worlds tallest building in Chicago and lost connection to customers. In comes walmart.

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